
Welcome: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd
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Cartridge Mechanical Seals

  • LSHRW cartridge mechanical seal
LSHRW cartridge mechanical seal

LSHRW cartridge mechanical seal

  • Sliding single-end assembling seal with external cooling compact disc drive
  • Product description: LSHRW cartridge mechanical seal

Application  Scopes


Gypsum slurry, alumina slurry, cement slurry, pulp, sewage, etc.







Linear Velocity


Structural features

1. The structure uses external cooling, single face, tight screw transmission, assembly type.

2. Flushing water does not enter the pump, does not affect the process medium.

3. The mechanical seal of the structure is independent of the rotation direction, and the friction pairs are hard and hard, and wear resistance is good.


1. When installing, lubricating oil should be coated on the inner hole of the sleeve and O-ring seal (EPDM cannot be coated with petroleum lubricating oil), so as to facilitate installation.

2. When the mechanical seal is installed correctly, the outer O-ring and the snap ring shall be taken off before the machine being started.

3. The flushing water can be used as ordinary tap water. The pressure is controlled below 0.05 Mpa. The flushing water can be flowed normally. It is best to into the top and out of from the bottom.

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