
Welcome: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd
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The Vice Mayor of Zigong City and his delegation visited the factory of Zigong Zhaoqiang

The Vice Mayor of Zigong City and his delegation visited the factory of Zigong Zhaoqiang 

On October 11, Wu Jinxue, Vice Mayor of Zigong City, went to the company to conduct research and guidance. Yan Zhaoqiang, general manager of the company, reported on the company's production and operation. Vice Mayor Wu Jinxue is very concerned about the production and development of enterprises, and has put forward guidance and suggestions for the development of enterprises.


Contact: Zigong Zhaoqiang Sealing Products Industrial Co., Ltd

Phone: 18882031233

Tel: 0813-3202675


Add: Factory 66, No. 19, Longxiang Road, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Yantan District, Zigong, Sichuan, China (Mainland)

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